With the Salesians arriving Ghana in 1992, the Oratory started in an informal way at Odumase in 1994 with Br. Michael Schmitz sdb as director of the oratory. In 1997 it started to have activities in a new hall, Everyday having about 200-250 boys and girls coming to the oratory. They perform some activities like: games, sports, drawing, catechesis, summer classes, holiday camps, etc.
Today, responding to the needs of the time, Don Bosco Oratory Odumase initiated FREE extra classes for young people with the sole aim of giving an opportunity to those who don’t have the possibility of going to school and also revising with those who go the subjects they treat in school with about 200 boys and girls coming everyday to study, play and pray. This initiative was started by Fredrick Okusu sdb, Collins Diawuo (Oratory Staff), Thomas Felbermeir (German Volunteer) and Carina Bustos (Argentine Volunteer). These were the brains behind this little project of giving hope of education to the little ones.
Finally, we can say that in Don Bosco Oratory Odumase, we are fullfiling the dream of Don Bosco as it is a Home that Welcomes the young, a Church that Evangelizes, a School that Educates to Values and a Playgroung that entertains.
